Bills introduced by Senator Amanda L. Shelton in the 36th Guam Legislature.
Bill 296-36 (LS)
An act of transfer Lot No. 2417-1-R7, Municipality of Mangilao, formerly known as the Department of Public Health and Social Services Central Headquarters, from the Department of Public Health and Social Services to the Guam Community College for the construction of a nursing annex
Bill 265-36 (COR)
Relative to the establishment of the club for credit program under the Department of Education, "Club for Credit Program of 2021"
Bill 264-36 (COR)
Relative to providing family members of an individual who they fear is a danger to himself, herself, or others new tools to prevent gun violence, "Gun Violence Prevention Order Act of 2021"
Bill 263-36 (COR)
Relative to establishing a liquid vaping product tax and licensing of the retail and wholesale of distributing electronic cigarettes, "Guam Vaping Product Taxing and Licensing Act of 2021"
Bill 257-36 (LS)
An act to increase the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)o payments for Government of Guam retirees and to appropriate $15,945,600 from the General Fund to the Department of Administration (DOA) for fiscal year 2023
Bill 227-36 (COR)
Relative to establishing the Veterans Bill of Rights Act in helping veterans access housing, employment, higher education, and healthcare through various local and federal programs. Appropriates $500,000 from the 2021 Earned Income Tax Credit Reimbursement to the Guam Veterans Affairs Office to implement the same, "Securing and Ensuring the Rights Veterans Earned (SERVE) Act"
Picture: Senator Amanda Shelton with the Master of Public Administration students who helped with the development of Bill 227-36
Bill 219-36 (LS)
Improved services for individuals with disabilities by vesting the responsibility of certifying a disability as an impediment to employment with a Guam-licensed medical practitioner
Bill 214-36 (COR) now Public Law 36-65
An act to appropriate twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) from the general fund to the Department of Administration for the Local Employers' Assistance Program (LEAP), "Local Employers' Assistance Program (LEAP) Act of 2021"
Bill 204-36 (LS) now Public Law 36-64
Relative to establishing an "Opioid Recovery Trust Fund" to direct all opioid litigation monies entitled to Guam into such fund, and to establish the "Opioid Recovery Advisory Council" to be known as the "Opioid Prevention and Treatment
Bill 199-36 (COR) now Public Law 35-50
An act to appropriate five hundred eighty thousand seventy dollars ($580,070) from the revenues received pursuant to Chapter 42 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, the earned income program, reimbursement for calendar year 2021 to the public defender service corporation for the operations of the Elder Justice Center
Bill 161-36 (LS)
Relative to requiring that all teachers employed at Guam Charter Schools be certified by the Guam Commission on educator certification, and to establishing exemptions for the same
Bill 160-36 (LS)
Relative to adding minimum qualifications to the Guam Historic Preservation Officer Position, "Empowering the GHPO Act of 2021"
Bill 159-36 (LS)
Relative to implementing automatic voter registration in public high schools, the Guam Community College, and the University of Guam, "Youth Voter Act of 2021"
Bill 133-36 (COR)
Relative to certification pay differential for certified public accountants, certified governmental financial managers, certified fraud examiners, and certified internal auditors at the Guam Community College
Bill 111-36 (COR)
Relative to requiring medical examinations of those charged with criminal sexual abuse or conduct at the request of victims
Bill 103-36 (COR)
Establishes authority and practice standards for telehealth and telemedicine services during public health emergencies in Guam
Bill 100-36 (COR) now Public Law 36-19
Allows the public defender service corporation to receive and administer grants and enter into intragovernmental and intergovernmental agreements and establish an elder law center within the corporation to provide services to Guam’s elderly population
Bill 98-36 (LS)
Requires licensed residential care facilities to install surveillance equipment, "Patient Liberties for Surveillance Act"
Bill 97-36 (LS) now Public Law 36-66
Requires the Guam Department of Education and Guam Charter Schools to provide and regularly stock menstrual hygiene products in all Guam public and charter schools, "Period Poverty Act of 2021"
Bill 96-36 (LS)
Exempts home kitchens licensed as a home industry from sanitation laws
Bill 95-36 (LS) now Public Law 36-52
Included all peace officers in the enforcement of alcohol-free zones within the Guam territorial park system
Bill 71-36 (COR)
Establishes a procurement policy that prioritizes women-owned businesses, "Support for Women-Owned Businesses Act"
Bill 69-36 (COR)
Prohibits the sale of polystyrene foam containers and serving of prepared food using polystyrene foam containers
Bill 68-36 (COR)
Adds youth representation to I KUMISIÓN I FINO’ CHAMORU YAN I FINA’NÅ’GUEN I HISTORIA YAN I LINA’LA’ I TAOTAO TÅNO’ (The Commission on Chamoru Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam)
Bill 67-36 (COR)
Exempts students who actively attend class from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from jury service
Bill 65-36 (COR) now Public Law 36-32
Removes the date of expiration on removable windshield placards and extends the period of time for physician certification on temporary removable windshield placards
Bill 367-35 (LS) now Public Law 35-94
Relative to the allocation of payments to eligible Guam residents during the State of Public Health Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to be known as the 'Ayuda I Mangafa' Help for Families Program
Bill 325-35 (COR)
Relative to requiring insurance companies to cover telehealth and telemedicine services during public health emergencies.
Bill 301-35 (COR)
Authorizing certain tax credits for required medical equipment and electronic health records system for the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority.
Bill 289-35 (COR)
Appropriating $85,315 from the Manpower Development Fund to the Guam Community College for the purposes of workforce development and apprenticeship training.
Picture: Senator Shelton attends the groundbreaking of the Guam Community College's new crime lab.
Bill 253-35 (COR)
Grandfathering existing merit scholarship recipients from the changes in benefits made in Public Law 34-151 and expanding the applicability of the merit scholarship to encompass the total cost of attendance to ensure the success of our merit scholars.
Picture: Students and Senator Shelton at the UOG Fall 2019 'Welcome Back' Ice Cream Fest on August 22, 2019 at the university's Student Center.
Bill 252-35 (COR)
Appropriating $433,000 from the earnings of the UOG Higher Education Endowment Fund via the Tobacco Settlement Fund to the University of Guam
Picture: Senator Shelton visits students at the UOG Spring Tea Fest on January 23, 2019 at the Student Center.
Bill 251-35 (COR)
Appropriating $238,190.70 from the earnings of the UOG Higher Education Endowment Fund via the Tobacco Settlement Fund to the University of Guam
Picture: Senator Shelton attends the ribbon cutting of the newly constructed Building E at the Guam Community College on September 6, 2019.
Bill 244-35 (LS)
Appropriating an additional $200,000 from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance as of the end of the Fiscal Year 2019, to the Department of Youth Affairs (DYA) for the reclassification of Youth Services Workers to Youth Correction Officers.
Picture: Senator Shelton meets with DYA Director Melanie Brennan and staff on January 31, 2019 at DYA headquarters.
Bill 222-35 (COR)
Requiring Guam public high school seniors to fill out the FAFSA in order to provide more students with financial aid and provide more financial resources to the University of Guam and Guam Community College.
Picture: Senator Shelton poses for photo with University of Guam students during protest against tuition hike special meeting on campus.
Bill 197-35 (LS)
Seeking to modernize the University of Guam and update the UOG charter. The bill provides the institution with greater financial independence while strengthening its mission toward island sustainability.
Picture: Senator Shelton meets with student leaders of the University of Guam to discuss the UOG budget and how we can preserve their allotment and provide long term solutions for the university.
Bill 157-35 (COR) now Public Law 35-51
Relative to requiring convicted sexual offenders, whose cases are under appeal, to retain their absolute duty to register at the Judiciary of Guam, Probation Division, as a sex offender.
Picture: Screenshot of the Guam Court's Sex Offender Registry website. Picture via Pacific Daily News.
Bill 146-35 (COR)
Allowing the Public Defender Service Corporation to receive and administer grants and enter into intra-governmental and inter-governmental agreements to provide legal services for under-represented groups and for the purpose of establishing an elder law center.
Picture: Public Defender Services Corporation main offices in Sinajana; Picture via Pacific Daily News.
Bill 139-35 (COR)
Appropriating $320,000 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Health and Social Services to pay premiums for foster children health insurance.
Picture: Senator Shelton visits Bethany Taylor of Harvest House a resource center catering foster children and families.
Bill 138-35 (COR) now Public Law 35-47
Expanding the Natasha Protection Act of 2005 to define and prohibit the use of electronic smoking devices wherever other tobacco products are already prohibited.
Picture: Genevieve Leon Guerrero Garrett calls on senators to pass Bill 138-35, which would reduce public vaping, by placing similar restrictions currently made on cigarette smoking. Garrett's daughter, Natasha Leon Guerrero Perez, is the girl whose health condition brought attention to secondhand smoking and its dangers in local buildings, restaurants and other places. The Natasha Protection Act of 2005 was named after her. Caption from the Guam Daily Post.
Bill 80-35 (COR) now Public Law 35-46
Relative to raising the renewable energy standards of the Guam Power Authority; 50% by 2035, and 100% by 2045.
Picture: The first solar farm on Guam located in Dandan, Inarajan. Photo obtained from the Pacific News Center.
Bill 73-35 (COR) now Public Law 35-31
Revising the makeup of the Guam Council of Senior Citizens to reduce the number of members to better facilitate quorum and the effectiveness of the council.
Picture: Senior citizens enjoying fun and games at a local senior center. Photo from the Pacific Daily News.
Bill 72-35 (COR)
Establishing the Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardian Stakeholders (WINGS), relative to the Office of the Public Guardian.
Picture via Patient Rights Action Fund
Bill 13-35 (COR) now Public Law 35-50
Relative to protecting elderly persons and disabled adults from financial exploitation by providing criminal punishment for those who harm our manamko' and individuals with disabilities.
Picture: Senator Shelton chats with our manamko' during a visit to the Sinajana Senior Center on July 24, 2019.
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